Monday, December 20, 2010

gratitude journal

Happy Birthday my leesha!! i love you! i miss you! As i thought about what to share, i of course was flooded with beautiful moments, memories and feelings that continue to move my soul! When asked which is my most favorite? i would have to answer by saying ALL and every moment i have ever shared with you has been one of my very most favorite moments of my day! & of my life! :) So with this being said my little birthday girl! i am about to share with you a journal entree- Of that day, the day I met my leesha the day my life was blessed by meeting you! ps..I hesitated for hours wondering if this would be appropriate to share on a birthday blog :)

October 24, 2007

dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you!
what a beautiful day! guess you know who i met today? its your alicia!
My first thoughts were alicia "the kingdom of God is within you" even in her heaviness of her heart i immediately saw her soul in its entre splendor! OH MAN! HOW B E A U T I F U L!! and humbling for me to witness as i placed my hands upon her back to connect,ground and balance her tired,giving stressed spirit. she was beautifully present in the best way she could be for that moment.
WoW! her reigning grace, her majesty!
she is truly a woman of faith, of compassion and charity. Yes her soul was gorgeous and illuminating.

do you know she is a roomate of jenn and of jessica? yes i know you know. as noted previously, i truly believe we often make too many external quests seeking for peace or maybe even fulfllment, you know what these 3 beautiful girls all have in common don't you? hmm... yes! could it be they rarely see the glorious possibility within them? i can't even begin to imagine how much they have already given to each other's souls!! WOW! beautiful teacher's to each other in many beautiful ways! are there more? i sense there are more?
hmm.. i must ask jenn.

so My thoughts are alicia is constantly giving nourishment for everyone but herself, there is no question.
umm..i wonder if she really has time to just free her spirit or does she continue to muffle her own needs to free and allow others's needs to distract? i do know i have pondered long and hard about the feeding of our inner self, of the one thing needful for our souls and how very easy it is for someone like alicia to neglect her own spirits needs. oh bless her heart!

awe, how humbling it is to give to one who gives SO MUCH! as i began working on her my heart was so touched. oh man i felt a continued flow of my tears fall upon my cheeks as i not only felt but witnessed her beautiful magnificence!
oh man! i worry she could hear my sniffles! i do hope i wasnt too distracting.

Thank you for allowing me to see into her beautiful soul. I feel her wisdom, her patience, it's really quite magical! i want so badly to say to her what my dear friend says to me. "run free! my wolf sister"! run free! the land beneath your feet rejoices to feel you dancing upon it!" i feel her spirit wanting to dance! she is a beautiful dancer isnt she? so how do we teach our alicia how to take her spirit out for a run? she is such a powerful source of wisdom, strength, laughter, joy and loving peace. WOW many people rely on her to be courageous and strong for them, to give comfort and light in those times of uncertainty, dark and doubt.

she is a leader of greatness, and inspiration. i believe she is the essence of charity am i right? i do know i have so much to learn from alicia. i sincerely pray i will be worthy, sensitive, insightful and intuitive enough to give her what she is seeking, those things her soul of beauty is in need of at this time in her life. i pray for your gracious loving spirit to guide me in those sacred moments we will share together. she is coming back isnt she? yes she is right?

I know without a doubt she is truly holiness and is being prepared for such greatness. she has already given many christ-like acts of holiness i can feel this deep with in me. i can't begin to imagine the many many lives she has already touched!!
yes! she is one who makes a difference!!

i immediately recognized her beauty and adventurous spirit so full of LOVE & LIGHT SO glorious!!!

Thank you, thank you for teaching me so much today. Thank you alicia beautiful one. i pray our paths will connect. hope to see you again soon.
but until then alicia, quiet your mind and be still. give to your heart what you are lacking. witness the breath of God within you. be still and allow Heavenly Fathers nature to be your nature. allow its healing to fill your soul in times of emptyness. oh man! you love nature! i felt it's influence within you! so pretty. its your peaceful retreat. allow our Heavenly Father's breath to be present in your breath as you heal and lift those that surround you.
thank you Heavenly Father it was truly a magical day meeting alicia.
thank you alicia for blessing my life today. i promise i will never forget what you gave me, what a gift your spirit is..WoW! so very giving! so very beautiful!

thank you

love forever,


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